Bicycles, Bonnets, Bunnies & Booze

Thank you for everyone who entered Sunday’s Easter Bicycle Treasure Hunt in Bristol and helped us raise money towards our London to Paris Fashion Cycle for the Environmental Justice Foundation in July. Especially the Howies guys and girls for turning up to lend a hand on their day off and Nick and Hatty for putting us up, lending their extensive local knowledge and taking the pictures below.

We were unbelievably lucky to have a day of glorious Spring sunshine and everyone had great fun partaking in chocolate egg and spoon races, getting pictures of strangers in moustaches, beating the rabbit at chance, hunting for eggs, and eating apples with no hands.

There’s no doubt that we’ll be back in Bristol soon so if you’re interested in coming to future events or having us organise a bicycle treasure hunt in your area e mail so we can keep you up to date.

Eggs for our Easter Treasure hunt

Whilst most of the country took the day off team Cyclodelic have been hard at work (if you can call it that) dying eggs, sewing bunny ears and making golden chick beaks – all in preparation for this Sunday’s Easter Bicycle Treasure Hunt. So please come along and take part and join in with our festive frivolity all for the love of a beautiful machine.

The event starts at the Howies store in Bristol from 4PM and ends back there for party and prizes from 7PM. Further info below.

Cyclodelic Easter Bicycle Treasure Hunt

Come as your favourite Summer drink, don a fine Easter bonnet or fluff up your cottontail for an afternoon’s bicycle adventure around Central Bristol.

Cycle solo or in small teams to checkpoints around the city centre to collect Easter eggs & points & POINTS = PRIZES. In what order you collect them is up to you, some will be hidden & some will require tasks that can earn you points for style. Extra points will be given for best bunnies, top bonnets & booze inspired costumes (your Sunday best is allowed, as dapper & delightful will also earn you points).

Once the hunt is up and all the eggs are eaten (or broken) its back to Howies for Havana Rum and prize giving and a chance to see an exhibition of bicycle themed artworks from illustrators around the globe.

What you’ll need:

£5 entry with all profits going to the Environmental Justice Foundation
your beloved bicycle
a street map of Bristol
a digital camera or camera phone
your lock for the party after