Tweed Run 2011

The sun was shining for one of the the most popular London bicycle events of the year. Over 600 people attended this years Tweed Run including Ewan McGregor! A great excuse to dress up, drink G&T and test out our new range of Limited Edition Houndstooth Road saddle bags before they launch in the U.S. in a couple of weeks time.

cyclodelic, women's cycle clothing, amy fleuriot

Me and my new Vicini, possibly one of the most graceful bicycles I have ever ridden. Thank you Jan.

Photo call outside Saint Pauls Cathedral before setting off.

Claira and her rather wonderful trike.

tweed run 2011, cyclodelic, womens cycle clothin

Cara wither her Mercian.

British Wool – Origin is everything.

tweed run 2011, cyclodelic, womens cycle clothin

Sam Hart

Cara and Ben taking advantage of a quick G&T stop.

tweed run 2011, cyclodelic, womens cycle clothin

London doggies – next year we will definitely be taking Hiro.

A super stylish Mum leaves the after party at Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club.